Who We Are?

Founded on a long-term vision of its CEO and founder, Mr. Elwin Hong. TR Motorworld Sdn Bhd which started in Johor Bahru and had achieved a strong and consistent growth on its motorcycle business and aim to provide sales and services to our value customers nationwide (including West and East Malaysia).
We are one of the biggest and trusted motorcycles dealers in Malaysia and fully involved on retailing wide range of motorcycles, scooters, scrambles, superbike, etc. namely Modenas, Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Naza, Demak, etc.
What we do?
We believe in offering our customers the best friendly customer service which most important part of our business to honor and value your money.
Meet our CEO
Welcome to a NEW WAY of buying a motorcycles ONLINE! Today, we finally launch a NEW website for our valued customers have a better experience in purchasing online by the simple way.
Since the first day we started selling motorcycles ONLINE from the year 2008, we have received very encouraging respond towards this concept. Therefore in the early month of 2016, we have started to do total revamp our web page and create an even more comprehensive and easy way to purchase ONLINE for better user experience for all of you!
Inn welcoming our Hari Raya Aidilfitri, we had launched our new portal and GREAT promotions to THANK YOU all our valued customers who have supported us all this YEAR! So welcome to our NEW ONLINE PORTAL and enjoying the new experience in purchasing your dream bikes online.
Lastly, kami mengucapkan jutaan TERIMA KASIH atas sokongan semua pelanggan online kami! We look forward to offer our customers more and more GREART DEALS.
Thank you and have a Great day!
speech by Elwin Hong (Chief Executive Officer)